Article Found @ HypeBeast
Avi Gold‘s Better™️ Gift Shop and Cynthia Lu‘s Cactus Plant Flea Market have joined forces to create a bold Double Vision Smiley rug. With a total circumference of 36” x 36” and a motif that’s surely familiar to CPFM fans, the grin-inducing piece of houseware is a vivid centerpiece for any room.
Made in Japan and shaped in an intentionally imperfect circle that’s in line with CPFM’s whimsical ethos, the rug is constructed of a yellow acrylic. This base is equipped with stacked sets of round eyes and a crooked grin. Two large tags hang off of the lower right side — one with a “Better” graphic, the other an intentionally awkward-spaced rectangle that reads “Self Discovery Cactus Plant Flea Market Today.”
The Better™️ Gift Shop x Cactus Plant Flea Market rug is available on the Better™️ webstore and at Dover Street Market Ginza. Retail is set at $400 USD.